• Sustainability



Environmental Management

Corporate EHS Policy (Environment, Health, and Safety)

Sugai Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. emphasizes the safety in the corporate activities and establishes the comprehensive EHS management system to protect the environment, and safeguard health, and safety related to our employees, customers, and community.

Our Commitment
  1. 1.We will improve EHS management system continuously to achieve our EHS policy.
  2. 2.We will ensure prevention of industrial accidents and pollution by complying with applicable legal and other requirements.
  3. 3.We will reduce EHS risk through risk assessment.
  4. 4.We will reduce impact on environment through waste recycling and energy saving.

EHS Certification

As part of our EHS initiatives, we have obtained ISO 14001 certification for our environmental management system.

Applicable StandardJIS Q 14001 : 2015(ISO 14001 : 2015)
Registration DateDecember 12, 2016
Certification No.JCQA-E-0952
Relevant SectionWakayama Site, Fukui Site, Fukui Research Institute
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Reducing Environmental Impacts

We comply with environmental laws and regulations, and we are working toward the realization of a recycling-oriented society, including the implementation of measures against global warming.

Promoting Energy Efficiency and Prevention of Global Warming

  • Decarbonization represents an urgent issue for the chemical industry because it consumes large quantities of energy. Given this, we built an LNG satellite station at our Fukui Site in 2017 and switched energy source from heavy oil to LNG. This transition helps us to lower our CO₂ emissions.

    LNG Satellite StationLNG Satellite Station

  • We have also had a treatment facility to process both waste liquid and wastewater. Water after the Activated sludge treatment is closely monitored for BOD, TOC, and color to ensure that water released from our site is clear.

    Incinerator for Waste liquid and Activated sludge facilityIncinerator for Waste liquid and Activated sludge facility

Initiatives to Reduce Waste

We reuse solvents recycled in the production, which reduces waste and lowers costs. We also use waste such as waste solvents as fuel additives for incinerator, which helps us to reduce waste as well as to save energy.

Initiatives for Society

Employee Engagement

Human Resource Development

Recognizing that human resource development is a material issue, we focus on the development of the next generation of employees using not only training sessions led by instructors, but also daily work duties. In 2022, we received “Youth Yell” certification from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for our active hiring and training of young employees and leading employment practices.


Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

We aim to foster an environment of mutual respect and teamwork by promoting a diverse workforce with diverse representation of genders, age groups, nationalities, and disabilities.
In April 2022, as part of our general business operator action plan, we established a plan to foster an employment environment where women can play an active role and where all employees can fully contribute their skills as well as achieve work-life balance.

To achieve the above plan, we established the following targets.

Key Targets
  1. 1.Increase the percentage of women working at the Wakayama Research Institute (including Analysis Group) over 15% of the total, and develop a workplace where women can play an active role.
  2. 2.Establish no overtime days at each workplace at least once a week.
  1. 1.Increase the percentage of eligible employees taking childcare and family care leave, make these programs known to all employees and foster an environment conducive to taking leave.
  2. 2.Reduce overtime work and enhance the shortened working hours program to provide a comfortable workplace for employees raising children.
  3. 3.Provide work experience opportunities through internships and other means to help foster the next generation of employees.
FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of employeesMen 162 166 163
Women 17 17 19
Years of serviceMen 17.2 16.8 17.6
Women 14.5 16.3 15.4
Average overtime hoursMen 6.4 5.7 4.4
Women 2.8 1.9 2.5
  • Trend in the Number of Male/Female Employees (Persons)Trend in the Number of Male/Female Employees (Persons)
  • Average Years of Service of Male/Female Employees (Years)Average Years of Service of Male/Female Employees (Years)
  • Average Monthly Overtime hours of Male/Female Employees (Hours)Average Monthly Overtime hours of Male/Female Employees (Hours)

Promoting Work-Life Balance

We are making it easier for employees to take childcare leave and family care leave to ensure that they remain with the company for many years. We also seek to boost employee engagement on an individual basis, which includes reducing overtime work through the introduction of no overtime days.

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Average monthly overtime hours 5.9 5.3 4.2
Average number of paid holidays taken 11.6 14.0 13.0
Number of employees
taking childcare leave
Men 3 6 5
Women 1 0 0
Percentage of eligible employees
taking childcare leave
Men 3 5 3
Women 1 - -
Number of eligible employees
taking childcare leave
Men 100% 83% 60%
Women 100% - -

Human Rights

Our Code of Business Ethics requires that we comply with all laws, regulations, and rules, as well as practice faithful, fair business activity without ethical misconduct. As a company with operations globally, we support and respect international norms on human rights. We also educate our employees about human rights through employee training.

Occupational Health and Safety

Under our EHS policy, our manufacturing plants undergo periodic audits according to the rigorous European and North American standards. The findings obtained through these audits are used to build our global health and safety system. Additionally, we conduct risk assessment on all products to assess risks in terms of health and safety in operation.

Local Community Engagement

Contribution Activities to Local Community

We sponsor the Wakayama Civic Invention and Idea Contest, jointly host booths at the Wakayama Commerce and Industry Festival with other companies, and support other local events.

Contribution Activities to Youth Development

We support the growth of children as the future generation by hosting company visits for local junior high and high school students and donating newspapers to nearby elementary schools.

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Social Contribution Activities through Our Products

Helping Resolve Global Issues through the supply of Agrichemical products
We have supplied agrochemical products which are essential to sustainable supply of food around the world since 1980s. Until now, we have helped to resolve global issues such as poverty by improving the productivity of agricultural crops around the world through supply of our agrochemical products.
Improvement of Quality of Life through the supply of Pharmaceutical products
In the 1990s, an overseas pharmaceutical company released a breakthrough HIV therapeutic drug. We were the first supplier of a key intermediate of the medicine ahead of any other competitors all over the world. Until now, we have supported improvement of Quality of Life for people all over the world through the supply of our pharmaceutical products.

Business Continuity

System for Disaster Prevention and Disaster Mitigation

Emergency Response Team (ERT)

We have put into place a team dedicated to swiftly responding in case of emergency.
Every year, we conduct training on our response to contingencies based on serious risk scenarios such as leakage of hazardous substances.

In-house Fire Brigade

We conduct practice training in preparation for contingencies through large-scale joint exercises with the local fire department.
In addition, our in-house fire brigade takes part in the firefighting skills competition held in Fukui City every year.

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